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SRAD Academy Rules

Students & Teachers Dance Entirely At Their Own Risk.

All of our teachers have current Working with Children Cards issued by the Victorian Department of Justice.


Social Distancing

  • Number of people allowed at any one time limited to comply with current state government regulations.
  • No parents in SRAD foyer, they are to drop off and go.
  • To all staff, students and parents we ask that social distancing must be maintained at all times.
  • SRAD will be scheduling a 5 minute cross over time period between classes so students can leave the premises, before the next group comes in, to adhere to gathering limits and avoid crowding.

Sanitation and Hygiene

  • We will regularly clean and sanities door handles, change rooms, toilet, foyer and each studio between classes.
  • Hand sanitizer will be supplied to all students and teachers upon entry and exit.
  • We request all students to go to the toilet before leaving home and familiarize themselves with hand hygiene, by washing their hands with soap for 20 seconds or using sanitizers.
  • It is necessary for all students to bring their own water bottles from home as water facilities will no longer be available at SRAD until further development of guidelines re: COVID-19, however disposable water bottles can be purchased for $1.00 each.
  • We request all students to change into their dance uniform at home before attending SRAD studio.

General Health and Considerations

  • It is the individual’s right to choose to wear a facial mask while entering and exiting the SRAD studios.
  • No staff or students are to attend SRAD studio if they have any COVID-19 like symptoms. (Cough, sneezing, runny nose or temperature). If you are suspected COVID-19 case, you must self-isolate and seek testing in accordance with state government guidelines.
  • If any staff or students at the studio are experiencing symptoms compatible with COVID-19 they will be isolated in an appropriate space with suitable supervision, and collected by a parent/carer as soon as possible.
  • SRAD will require a medical clearance prior to returning to classes if the above occurs.
  • SRAD recommend that all staff and parents download the COVIDSafe app:
  • If SRAD suspected or confirmed a case of COVID-19 in our studio, we will contact the National Corona virus Helpline (1800 020 080) which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for further advice. As part of our responsibility to all we would then be required to close our studio and undertake full sanitization under the government guidelines.


  • We ask that all staff and students eat at home before attending SRAD studio. If parents feel the need to drop off food, the student will meet you outside the studios to collect it. The student will need to sanitize again once they re-enter the studio.
  • No sharing of food permitted during this COVID-19 period.
  • Microwave will be removed from the student hub due to COVID-19 guidelines.


All students must behave with decorum and respect towards other students and teaching staff at all times.


Students must be under adult supervision at all times. Shirley Rogers Academy of Dance will not be responsible for injury to any person in or outside any premises that classes/performances are conducted. Students should be delivered to and collected from the dance studio. Students should not wait in the car park on their own. Please collect your child promptly at the end of each lesson. If someone else is going to collect your child, please contact SRAD in advance. If you are delayed, please phone/text- Shirley Rogers on 0411 286 405.

Privacy Policy

The Shirley Rogers Academy of Dance (SRAD) collects information relating to students and parents to enable proper and responsible management of the school. Any details you supply will only be used to contact you and will not be provided to any other parties. If you provide your email address, your accounts, newsletters, reminders and information regarding special events this can be distributed by this method (it is your responsibility to advise SRAD if you have changed your email, address or contact details or any updates on your child's registration form). If you do not wish to receive any of the above outlined information by email please advise SRAD. It is our policy for contact between teachers and students is channelled through the school Principal – Shirley Rogers and/or Business Manager Yvonne Courtney only.

*We do not permit teachers to contact students directly in any social media format.*
We will seek your permission and approval for any photos of your child to be taken and displayed in public or on our Social Media sites. (Consent is included on our Registration form.)


All Teachers: Hair in a ponytail or bun when teaching, very long hair should be in a bun to Health and Safety issues.
Ballet Students: Hair must be in a bun, secured with hair pins. Students with hair not in a bun will be asked to sit out of the class. Correct dance uniform to be worn.
All other Classes: Hair to be neat and tidy in a high pony tail.
No jewellery or watches are to be worn in class at any time.
For the safety of others, please keep fingernails neatly trimmed.

Ballet Exams

Ballet Exams are offered as an optional part of enrolment at the school. Ballet exams are taken through the Royal Academy of Dance. (RAD)


Competitions are offered as an optional part within the school; students will need to attend those selected classes during the week. These troupe competition classes are compulsory every week; however students who miss more than three classes for whatever reason; will void that section of the dance in the competitions.
*(Dates will be advised via our Office Noticeboard and Email)*

Hydration and Healthy Eating

Dancing is physically demanding! All students must bring a drink bottle to class, especially during the summer. Shirley Rogers Academy of Dance drink bottles may be purchased directly from the school for $10. Students should maintain a healthy diet just like any athlete; those dancing for more than one-two hours should bring a healthy snack such as fruit or a muesli bar. Particular attention should be paid to dietary preparation for major events such as the concert and exams.